OK Mastering the OSTP in Grade 4 math chapter 1

OK Mastering the OSTP in Grade 4 math chapter 1 Sample

1 pt

Olivia was helping at her mother’s shop by putting the product numbers of a group of dolls in order from least to greatest. Put the numbers in order.


Alicia expressed two numbers in expanded form. She needs to add either a < or a > to show which number is larger. Select the correct symbol to place on the line between the two numbers.

400,000 + 40,000 + 800 + 90 + 3
400,000 + 40,000 + 900 + 80 + 3

1 pt

Rounded to the nearest hundred, a grocery store has 400 bottles of salad dressing for sale. Which of these numbers could be the actual number of bottles of salad dressing?


Ethan has 40 dollars. His uncle has 4,000 dollars in his bank account. How many times smaller is Ethan’s 40 dollars than his uncle’s 4,000 dollars?


Marie found in her science book that there are twelve thousand, eight hundred ninety species of birds in a certain country. How can Marie express this number in expanded form?