South Carolina Get Ready Grade 5 Mathematics Post Test

South Carolina Get Ready Grade 5 Mathematics Post Test Sample

1 pt

Select the correct phrase to complete each sentence.

Part A.

The product of 114 and 4 is ____ 4.

1 pt

Part A.

What is the sum of the volume of the two boxes shown below?

1 pt

Mallary incorrectly adds the fractions 13, 14, and 712.
She said that to add fractions with different denominators, you use the common denominator and add the numerators. Mallary’s work is shown.

13+14+712 ' 1+1+712


● What is Mallary’s mistake?

● Find the correct value of 13+14+712

● Show your work or explain your answer.

Enter your answers and your work or explanation in the box provided.

1 pt

Pia has a pile of wooden cubes. Each edge of each cube is 1 unit long.

Which two statements about Pia’s cubes is correct?

1 pt

John’s decided to find out how far his pet frog can jump in three jumps. His frog jumped a total of 635 feet. If each jump goes an equal distance, how far is each jump?