South Carolina ELA Grade 8 Post Test

South Carolina ELA Grade 8 Post Test Sample

1 pt

Readers can infer that the author of "French Heroes of the American Revolution" believes George Washington was—

1 pt

An objective summary of this passage would have to include that —

1 pt

Which of the following statements best captures the author’s purpose in the passage?

1 pt

You have read a passage about the beginning of one girl’s extraordinary adventure. Chances are you have never gone down a rabbit hole like Alice does, but you probably have embarked, or at least could imagine embarking, on your own adventure at some point. Write a narrative about this exciting experience. Be sure to use descriptive details and literary devices to enhance your story.

1 pt

If Desmond wants to know how Davis’ speech made poor white farmers in South Carolina feel about their place in society, he would mostly be researching its —

1 pt

The underlined portion (4) is written in —