North Carolina Math 1 EOC - Practice Calculator Active

North Carolina Math 1 EOC - Practice Calculator Active Sample

1 pt Chapter: 3 Standard: A.SSE.1a DOK: 2

Determine the difference between terms and factors.

1 pt Chapter: 4 Standard: A.CED.4 DOK: 2

The monthly cost of Marilyn’s cell phone is represented by the formula P(x)=0.1x+89.50. This equation expresses the total cell phone charges, with x representing the total number of text messages. Marilyn knows the monthly cost of her cell phone and wants to find the number of text messages. Which equation should Marilyn use to find the number of text messages?

1 pt Chapter: 14 Standard: F.LE.2 DOK: 3

Silly city has a population of 95,000 in 2003. The population increases by 2.3 percent annually of the previous years population. Write a function that models the population of Silly city. Then use this function to predict the population of Silly city in 2020.

1 pt Chapter: 17 Standard: G.GPE.7 DOK: 2

Find the area of the following figure.

1 pt Chapter: 19 Standard: S.ID.1 DOK: 2

Which plot represents the data?
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