LEAP 2025 Science Grade 3 Pre Test

LEAP 2025 Science Grade 3 Pre Test Sample

Source 2

1 pt Standard: 3LS3-1 DOK: 2

What has the puppy in the picture in Source 2 most likely inherited from his parents? Select the two answers that are correct.

Item Set 2

Source 1

1 pt Standard: 3-PS2-1 DOK: 2

What forces makes the rocket rise in Source 1? Select the two answers that are correct.

1 pt Standard: 3-ESS2-1 DOK: 2

Look at the picture of a hurricane warning flag below to answer the next question.

This most likely to appear on the Louisiana coast during

1pt Standard: 3-LS1-1 DOK: 2

Look at the picture below to answer the next question.

This shows the

of an insect.

Source 3

Bears live alone. They eat all the time. They must live in an area of land big area so it has enough food. Biologists think there is usually not enough food in any place for bears to live in a group. But bears will eat together if there is a lot of food in an area.

1 pt Standard: 3LS3-2 DOK: 2

According to Source 3, why do bears live alone?

1 pt Standard: 3-ESS3-1 DOK: 2

What is most likely happening in the Source 1 picture of cleaning up an oil spill?