LEAP 2025 Science Grade 3 Post Test

LEAP 2025 Science Grade 3 Post Test Sample

Item Set 1

Source 1

1 pt Standard: 3-PS2-2 DOK: 2

What does gravity do to the baseball player in Source 1?

Source 3

Wild Horses Today

1 pt Standard: 3-LS2-1 DOK: 2

Source 3 shows a herd of wild horses. How does living in a herd helps the horses?

1 pt Standard: 3-LS2-1 DOK: 2

Look at the picture below to answer the next question.

One of the bees has found a field of flowers. What will it do next?

1 pt Standard: 3-PS2-4 DOK: 2

How can people make objects levitate?